4 Dune Analytics Dashboards to improve your token tracking game

3 min readSep 29, 2022

Dune Analytics can be a powerful tool for DeFi users — it is powerful tool for blockchain research, where you can discover, explore, and visualize vast amounts of blockchain data.

While the blockchain explorer Etherscan can help you dive deep into a particular transaction or block, Dune can help you see the big picture of token movements.

Here are 4 interesting Dune Analytics dashboards:

Token God Mode Lite

Token God Mode Lite can help you track token holders’ growth for a particular token. In this case, we’ve used UNI as an example. You can see the slow and steady growth of UNI token holders since its launch in Oct 2020.

Besides tracking token holder growth, you can use it to see changes in token balances for top holders. If a top token holder is actively selling, you’ll know from this dashboard.

ERC-20 Token Overview Metrics




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